Apps and Downloads

Android Apps

TMG Defender Lite – Developed by Facets TMG to integrate

your laser jammer system with your android device. Enables

Bluetooth audio alerts through your cars stereo and controls

from your Android device.

TMG Updater Lite – Developed by Facets TMG to update

laser jammers using your android device.

JBV1 – Developed by John Boy, integrates Android device

with Valentine 1 radar detector and TMG laser jammers.

TMG Remote – Developed by John Boy to control your

TMG system from an Android device.

Highway Radar – A useful app that includes crowd sourced

alerts, aircraft warnings, and radar detector integration with

the Uniden R4 and R8, and the Valentine 1. Doesn’t support

integration with TMG systems but both can be used together

side by side.

iOS Apps

TMG Laser Defender Lite

User Manual

TMG A-15 user manual

TMG A-17 user manual